If you have recently bought a Dell laptop (like me), you may have noticed that browsing to http://msn.com will result in a redirection to http://dell.msn.com. The fact that it's redirecting isn't such a big issue for me personally, however I do not like the fact that there is no transparent way of disabling this.
After diving into some Internet Explorer log files, I discovered that some custom branding was applied when first running the browser.
In C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\brndlog.txt something like this will be present:
The file "install.ins" is executed when Internet Explorer is ran for the first time or when all IE settings are reset (Extra -> Options -> Advanced -> Reset Internet Explorer Settings). Ok now it's time to fix this:
- click Windows 7 Orb (former "Start"-button)
- in the search field, type (do not hit enter): notepad
- right click notepad and choose "Run as Administrator"
- click "File" and than "Open"
- browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins (64 bit) or C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Signup\install.ins (32 bit)
- remove the following piece of code:Code
- NoDial=0
- FavoritesDelete=0
- FavoritesOnTop=1
- User Agent=
- [URL]
- NoWelcome=1
- NoWelcomePage=1
- NoFirstRunWizard=0Help_Page=http://support.euro.dell.com/support/index.aspx?c=be&l=nl&s=gen
- Home_Page=http://g.uk.msn.com/USCON/4[FavoritesEx]Offline1=0Title1=Dell\
- DellURL1=http://www1.euro.dell.com/content/default.aspx?c=be&l=nl&s=gen
- Offline2=0
- Title2=Dell\Support.Dell.Com.url
- URL2=http://support.euro.dell.com/support/index.aspx?c=be&l=nl&s=gen
- save the file and open Internet Explorer
- now reset Internet Explorer by following these steps: Extra -> Options -> Advanced -> Reset Internet Explorer Settings
- restart internet explorer and you should be all set and ready to go!
That concludes my first blog post here, more to follow soon!
Isn't it?
Yes it is something more than awesome.