Posts by i9.Lego

    Sup All, Im Player Of Americas Army, I Have 8 Years Playing Game 2000/2008 And for a long time I eh thought and looked for the way to be Tester Beta, But Whenever Register an Account In the Forums Of the Americas Army Erases It to Me That I cannot Enter, But You Can Help Me Please Thanks for myself to Him

    Download and use memtest86 overnight to test your system RAM. You can find that program with a quick Google search. Make sure to follow the directions on how to install and use it.

    Post your dxdiag log please.

      Go to START....then RUN
      Type:dxdiag <hit enter>
      It will gather the information
      Choose Save All Information....Save it to your desktop
      Then Exit or Minimize dxdiag
      Open the file you just saved and hit keys CTRL+A (this will select all text)
      Right Click on the highlighted text and Choose Copy
      In a Reply Post....Right Click and Paste
      You can Close and Delete that File off your desktop........