Downloading the files manually worked like a charm. Hopefully if I ever
need to use AAUP down the road I don't run into this problem. Thanks
for all the support
Posts by sebzag
After it completes File Check 1 it appears to do nothing for several minutes and then it eventually pops up the error message, and if I wait even longer it will continue to pop up more instances of the same error.
Clicking on Downloads shows all the AA downloads available successfully as well as clicking on Server Browser and Update List to retrieve the active servers. -
I forgot to mention that I am on a wireless connection, but since I began having problems with AAUP I set up my connection as DMZ to remove the chance of the router being an issue.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:1 15 ms 6 ms 7 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 13 ms 10 ms 10 ms [
4 19 ms 19 ms 14 ms [
5 14 ms 13 ms 12 ms
6 22 ms 35 ms 24 ms []
7 25 ms 22 ms 23 ms
8 124 ms 121 ms 119 ms []
9 113 ms 114 ms 116 ms
10 121 ms 115 ms 116 ms [213.239.
11 * 127 ms 116 ms [
12 115 ms 116 ms 116 ms []13 126 ms 126 ms 118 ms []
Trace complete.
So I ran the traceroute again, and it looks like the pings are just fine, and still AAUP says it can't connect to the remote server.
C:\>tracert services.k2-solutions.euTracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:1 53 ms 2 ms 9 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 164 ms 12 ms 475 ms [
4 329 ms * 145 ms [
5 129 ms 16 ms *
6 33 ms 138 ms 23 ms []
7 * 168 ms 23 ms
8 685 ms * 458 ms []
9 * 764 ms 122 ms
10 * 252 ms 589 ms [213.239.
11 288 ms * 300 ms [
12 312 ms * * []13 117 ms * 419 ms []
Trace complete.
I have no idea why I can't connect to the AAUP remote server
I ran a traceroute to and although it eventually gets there, its seems to take too long for my liking.
I may have just not let the program sit there for a while, but now I eventually get a popup message saying that it can't connect to the remote server.
Missing file check: started
Missing file check: ended
File check 1: started
E:\America's Army\Maps\Bridge.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Bridge_SE.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\camp_mackall.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\EandE.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Entry.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Entry2.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\FLS.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\HQ_Raid.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\JRTC_Farm.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\Jump_Tower.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Leavenworth.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Live_Jump.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\M24_Range.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\M82_Range.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Medic_Field.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Medic_Training1.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Medic_Training2.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Medic_Training3.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Mountain_Ambush.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Mountain_Pass.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Mountain_Pass_SE.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\MOUT_McKenna.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Obstacle.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\Pipeline.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\Pipeline_SF.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Radio_Tower.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Rifle_Range.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\River_Basin.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\SFcsar.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
E:\America's Army\Maps\SFhospital.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\SFrecon.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Swamp_Raid.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Tactical_Training.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\Tunnel.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\US_Weapons.aao
E:\America's Army\Maps\Weapons_Cache.aao is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\Maps\Weapons_Cache_SE.aao
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\ArmyOps.ini
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\ArmyOps.log
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\User.ini
E:\America's Army\System\WeaponMods.ini is corrupted. Added to download queue
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbag.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbags.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbcl.db
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbcl.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbclgame.cfg
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbcls.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\pbsv.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\dll\wc002071.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\dll\ws001668.dll
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\la001371.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\lc001288.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\lc002071.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\ma001371.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\mc001288.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\mc002071.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\wa001371.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\wc001288.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\wc002071.htm
Ignoring file: E:\America's Army\System\pb\htm\ws001668.htm
E:\America's Army\Textures\T_AA2_Foliage.utx is corrupted. Added to download queue
File check 1: ended -
So i finally got AAUP working and i run the Repair Installation feature
but it completes the file check and i don't think it actually downloads
the file that is says it's adding to the download queue. What's the
next step?