i guess i still had it open.. that did work... but now i'm curious... not a single other program in the registry has a "\" after it's installdir... why does this program need one if it isn't there by default? maybe that is a glitch in windows 7 or this is just how it is done?
Posts by deaths_child
no... i tried that and it made no difference... then i checked similar entries for what the installdir said on them and there was no ending "\" on them either... so i have no clue what is going on.
here you go
[Blocked Image: http://i113.photobucket.com/al…gutrenchladd/regvalue.jpg]and a link : http://i113.photobucket.com/al…gutrenchladd/regvalue.jpg
o and this shouldn't make any difference since it worked before but i'm running windows 7...but it worked previously on the exact same comp just re installed after a bit of cleanup.
here you go
[Blocked Image: http://i113.photobucket.com/al…gutrenchladd/aaupfail.jpg]
and also a link if u want http://i113.photobucket.com/al…gutrenchladd/aaupfail.jpg
Ok, so i have an error with my America's Army and i want to fix it, but whenever i try to run the repair tool in aaup it looks in C:\Program Files\America's Arm instead of C:\Program Files\America's Army. So it thinks everything is missing. I tried going into regedit to modify the install dir but the install dir is correct.. i don't know what to do.