Posts by rayven2929

    when am playing aa , i keep getting back to the main screen , randomly , sometime i can play 15 minutes sometime not ( less then 1 minutes ) i try the utility package , repair everything seem good ( according to the software ) reinstal americas army up to date , update video card drivers , update directx driver . i even check the armyops log , there is nothing as kick notification , only thing i can see bad in there is :

    03/14/09 14:16:52 Warning: HumanController Border.HumanController (Function AGP.HumanController.MaybeDelaySpawn:0019) Accessed None 'Game'
    03/14/09 14:16:52 ScriptLog: Console Message: [nomad]-rayven29, Be advised that TAW and (SEALs) have replaced your weapon with a M4 SOPMOD
    03/14/09 14:17:07 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] [nomad]-rayven29 reporting in: W. Village Main Road
    03/14/09 14:17:10 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] [nomad]-rayven29 reporting in: Southern Ruins Hill
    03/14/09 14:17:17 ScriptLog: Console Message: [nomad]-rayven29 radioed: "Enemy Spotted"
    03/14/09 14:17:18 Log: Warning: Unable to match any animation tracks from [m4qd_suppressor] to skeletal mesh [m4qd_suppressor_3p].
    03/14/09 14:17:18 ScriptLog: Console Message: You are still busy initiating the last action
    03/14/09 14:17:23 Log: Warning: Unable to match any animation tracks from [m4qd_suppressor] to skeletal mesh [m4qd_suppressor_3p].
    03/14/09 14:17:25 ScriptLog: Console Message: =FyI= was blown up by snip^^pav.
    03/14/09 14:17:25 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------
    03/14/09 14:17:25 ScriptLog: AGP_Character::PlayWaiting() Got here without being in Dying
    03/14/09 14:17:25 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: HumanController.ProgressCommand Cmd 'menu:AGP_Interface.AADisconnectOptionPage' Msg1 'Connection Lost' Msg2 ''
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: Border.HumanController.GetAuthUserName() - User Name: "[nomad]-rayven29", saved: "[nomad]-rayven29"
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Recruit
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: URL: Adding default option Class=AGP_Characters.AGP_Character
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: URL: Adding default option team=255
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: Browse: Entry.aao?closed?Name=Recruit?Class=AGP_Characters.AGP_Character?team=255
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: Failed; returning to Entry
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: AAPostLoginPage NotifyLevelChange PendingConnection:False
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: AAPreLoginPage NotifyLevelChange PendingConnection:False
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: GP=FALSE
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: Incoming username: ""
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: Entry.StudentController.RestoreSavedUserNameAndPassword() Restoring user name & password from saved file
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Warning: AGP_GameSinglePlayer Entry.AGP_GameSinglePlayer (Function AGP.AGP_GameInfo.Login:070A) Accessed None 'AccessControl'
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: Entry.StudentController.GetAuthUserName() - User Name: "", saved: "[nomad]-rayven29"
    03/14/09 14:17:27 Log: Login complete
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: AGP_Pawn::SetTeamClass() Got a null SoldierClass - defaulting to Recruit
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: Client Restart Failed.
    03/14/09 14:17:27 ScriptLog: -----------WARNING-----------

    warning message in log , no kick notification or anything else , anyone have a clue what appening ??? this is getting really frustrating .
